Friday, January 16, 2009

Wink FAQ

Q: Why are the posts so lengthy?
A: Hey, if you are lazy to read them, we are lazy to edit them. We just let them be. Did we all not subscribe to the fact that laziness is a virtue?

Q:What is the frequency at which wink will be updated?
A:Fortnightly. All the columns of wink - will be completely revamped once every fortnight. "Savvy?"

Q:So does one have reason to follow it in between updates?
A:Yeah, there will be "tit-bits" from the writers - where in, we'll keep the length of the posts short! (sounds good?)

Now we'll take some questions. Ask away, if you got a query. Else, if you are just saying how much you like the Wink, we'll take it. We'll negotiate with the criticism.
Write in!

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