Monday, January 12, 2009

Wine, Dine and Dance!

Wine, dine and dance - slurp slurp (Don't you like the sound of that, now?)

Wink writers believe that satisfying their palates is of paramont importance.
And most of our readers out there vigorously nod their heads in agreement. Having established that,its only fair that we have a column on places to go in the weekends (albeit, weekdays would also be just fine with me).
This week I had been to this place called "The Only Place" on Museum road.
Firstly, I like the way they've named it. It's like calling a production company "A very good production", or a consulting firm "Fantastic consultancy". The name itself says wonderful things about the place.I had heard that this place attracted a melange of "Phirang" crowd. And I saw that I had heard right.There were people from the west, the east and a couple of 'em who seemed to come from mozambique
or namibia or ethiopia. I cannot be precise on that. Apologies.

We were cordially received. The waiter there stared at us till we said "Table for three, please".Disoriented by the sun, we deduced. After being ushered in, we shifted places till we were satisfied with one at the corner. It was time to order.
The menu had a whole variety of dishes. Pasta, spaghetti, steaks, lasagna. The non-vegetarians have a much wider range to choose from. The most famous dish at this place, we were told, was the "Chateaubriand" ,made of beef. Cow meat at that point didn't seem very inviting (after a round of prayers at a local temple where a priestly man was smearing vermilion on a cow). So we settled for an Alfredo (the one that's bland,with a bland sauce), a chicken steak (nice and crisp) and some pasta. Garlic bread comes as a part of the deal. We also tried the barbequed and sombrero chicken that assured me that my day would go well.
We had had a scrumptious meal. We were happy. "Food happy". Truly happy.
It din't end there. We moved on to the last phase. Desserts. Ordered an apple pie. "Ugh", actually. Apple! really! But the cheese cakes were delicious. It was a great feel of the authentic continental food. Not too heavy on the purse either (specially not when you do a 1/3 of the total amount).
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. The sort that I would definitely recommend.

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