Monday, January 12, 2009


Welcome to the Wink. Its extremely un-philosophical and very unhelpful - but by and large, entertaining. In this issue, we'll leave you with Our Funny Side Up columns, something to Eat in our Wine, Dine and Dance and some place to go in our WanderLust - at least, thats what the plan is. But it really depends on our writers, we don't pay them and hence have to put up with their mood swings. So, lets just hope they stick to the schedule. Else, we'll just have another "Note" coming up - to keep you informed about what they Did Write About.

We don't take questions. At least, Not Yet.
ps: This is considered as a Post. More like a "Note from the Editors", but yeah, if you are comfortable with this being just a post, So Be It.

1 comment:

  1. Well, cub reporter, this is a feast to the eyes!...
    you know what people would love to read about, don't you? Recession or not, job cuts or not, the feeding of the stomach is the second most pleasurable thing known to humankind(wink)..

    Missing Veena stores idli vade!

