Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sacre bleu!

(Watch out! Our Wink writer has ruffled feathers today.. Might bite, if asked to follow any rules!)

Protocols protocols and protocols! Life, suddenly seems way too monotonous. At work, there is this PROCEDURE that you gotta follow for everything. And to do so, there are a couple of steps, a gazillion IFs and BUTs, a couple of warnings interspersed with two errors. All need to be followed, and to the last word, mister! Im out booking a ticket for a trip to Goa and there come in another new set of rules. Stand in the line. Don't pinch the one in front. Don't fake regurgitation when you don't get the window seat, don't call you "loud-mouthed" co-passenger a bonehead. Im out on a walk, and a board says "Don't swim in the lake". Its not like you ever planned to do so, but the RULES get on my nerves. At home, im supposed to talk to all my aunts and their husbands, as per an unwritten law, an un-passed bill. Don't slurp, don't eat with your mouth open, don't get out of the house in pyjamas, don't walk off without an "Excuse me". Its tiring I tell you.

So I decided to not follow them anymore. NO, I said. It aint happening. I refuse to be guided all through by this invisible hand telling me what to do and what not. I din't follow procedures at work. I lost the job. I din't stick to the queue at the counter. I got the tickets faster. I feigned purging in the bus. I got the seat. The WINDOW seat, mind you. I called my co-passenger names. He shut up. I wanted to swim in the lake. Well, uh... The swimming pool was closer to home. I din't talk to any of my aunts. Nor their husbands. They think I'm busy with work and successful at it. I walk out with my pyjamas on. Its way more comfortable. At the end of it, I realized that some amount of randomness was necessary. Some. Just about that "Some".

Now, im out looking for a job. Any takers?

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