Friday, May 22, 2009

Winking May Away

A very good May to you, readers. As hot as May May-Be, we enjoy the mangoes, the cricket and the heat and holidays, is it not? The writers have been busy this time, climbing up the hilly terrains in search of things to write about (that's what we call “High thinking” out here)
This time we take you to Tapovan in our search for truth in the wanderlust. We make a point by going to the Silly Point Cafe in our Wine, Dine and Dance. We sing praises of the Beatles in our Funny Side Up.
We welcome your thoughts on the Wink. Write in to us about what you think about it. If its befitting and flattering, we'll say thanks nicely (Just kidding!). Wink welcomes your ideas, no kidding.
Happy reading!

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