Sunday, April 19, 2009

Funny Side Up - A song and a story

At a recent classical concert that I went to, something interesting happened. It turned into a drama. And a musical one, at that. You should not expect too much activity at concerts, they are for the cultivation of the soul. The only movement is that of the sound waves causing wave-motion and reaching the pinna. The tranquility of the place was slightly altered by a little kid who ran upto the singing musician, yelling “thatha” loudly. The musician, probably embarrassed to be addressed as an old man, gave the kid a very “not-now-later” smile and proceeded to concentrate on his Bhairavi varanam (Well, I generally associate closing of the eyes as that in concerts). A frantic mother, calling out “Poonam” runs up to the stage to hold the child back and prevent its ascent to the podium. The musician was further annoyed with the proper noun being said aloud. He frantically signals the kid and its caretaker to take a seat somewhere. The kid bellows. The grand father-turned-musician or vice-versa takes note (his musical notes are ignored). Enter: kid's dad. He now takes charge of the situation. He carries the kid out for a walk around the open-air auditorium. More tantrums, more yelling, more notes going wrong. It was fun to watch. I, who was sitting with my eyes closed, all prepared for some intense Bhairavi, got up and took note. And then, I realised to my surprise, everyone was interestedly watching. The gentleman seated beside me even adjusted his glasses. I adjusted mine too. Too bad I did not take my hearing aid along.

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