Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Side Up - In Sickness and In Health

I had been to a wedding recently and in the common humdrum and chitter - chatter I fought to hear to the vows of the to-be-man-and-woman saying them all in a fit of emotion. I nodded at every line said. The man said "I shall love you for the rest of my life", and I thought "good for you". The woman said, "I shall bear your kids" and I said "Not too many, please". The man said, "I shall feed, shelter and clothe you" and I said, "You better!". The woman said " I shall take you in sickness and in health" and thats when I was hit. Hit hard. In health seemed fine. But the sickness part confused me. I thought, maybe the woman had a peg more of whisky during her bachelorette party the previous night or maybe she was blindly reciting something that some wedding planner had planned for her to speak. Why was I baffled? Well wouldn't you be? In sickness is so broad a term to commit oneself to. Sickness comes in various shapes, sizes and colours. Thickness too. Some make you go red, some blue and some yellow. What sort was she even talking about? The previous week I had caught flu, a terrible one and I was intolerable. I constantly puked, frequented the bathroom, vehemently spoke about death and slept for the majority of the day. Now having gone through all of that, would I be a position to promise, and promise in front of a priest that I'd stick by to watch all of this again happen to someone else? I guess not.... So I decided to write my own vows, just in case, and the last line says, "in health and health alone".

P.S : The flu persisted for over 4 days.

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