Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Radio Waves

I am one of those unfortunate beings who has to be the early bird and fly across the city, flip-flap-flip-flap before other lazy birds get up and begin driving. And birds like me listen to the radio and assume that we are one of those few people tuned in, at this unearthly hour. And it gives us a feeling of exclusivity. So this show I tune into in the morning (Ain't I sorely tempted to give the name away!) has this host (*sigh*) who has this question with a blank to fill everyday (hint. Hint) And I, diligently waste good mobile money on it, most days. Just based on the assumption that no one in their sane minds would listen to the radio at that hour and that winning the gift hampers would be easy. Can you believe this, I've never won it – ever! There is always some other bird winning it. And its not about me winning, this post – its about the number of people that are awake at the crack of dawn. And it shatters my little illusion of exclusivity. Gee, I never knew that our lil city had that many worm-eaters (#getit?)

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